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  • Writer's pictureDRAllen201

Maple City Pipecast Celebrates it’s One Year Anniversary

It’s been a full year since Maple City Pipecast first appeared on the virtual airwaves of the internet and what a year it’s been! I started out as a 5-minute daily podcast of mostly pipe thoughts and opinions on the Anchor platform, which (at the time) only allowed five minutes of recording at a time, but was totally free of charge (and still is by the way).

As the platform evolved over time, so did the show. Anchor started offering longer episode times, and so the episodes grew in length. They offered the ability to pre-record episodes on your PC and upload them via a browser, so that was taken advantage of. They continue to grow and offer more services, some of which are not available to us here in Canada yet, but I am hopeful that soon they will be. Until then, Anchor will be the home of Maple City Pipecast.

It’s been quite the ride to see how this endeavour has grown to what it is today, and that is all thanks to you the listener, reader or viewer of the media put out under the Maple City Media network. Sure the blog end of things is usually just used to distribute the various podcast episodes and YouTube videos, but on ocasion, we still put out an article or two. The growth in the pipecast is what amazes me in the past year. An example of this is last year I was so amazed that we reached 300 downloads that I held a give away, now that’s downloads, not subscribers. Based on the content available then and the number of episodes, that probably represented the equivalent of four subscribers that had listened to every episode of the pipecast. Today the overall downloads for this month have the potential of breaking 3000! Ten Times what we had when I did my first ever giveaway, and that’s just for the month… that 300 was total for the run of the pipecast at the time!

This show has given me the opportunity to talk to many different people and interact with other creators that I would never have spoken with otherwise. Greg, the Badger Piper, Beau York of Country Squire Radio, Mike Murphy of Pipe and Tamper and Matthew Butler, just to name a few of them. My all-time favourite thus far though was the three-part series I did with Micheal Jackson!

Yes, it’s been a good year here at Maple City Pipecast and I am looking forward to another great year of pipecasting

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